Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries

Mini Blond Christmas Cakes

Mini Pumpkin Cakes

Halloween Pumpkin Patch Cake

Halloween Pumpkin Patch Cake - cake suitable fruit cake i serve this for Halloween special holiday.

25 Cm round cake
1/2 cup (8og) pure icing sugar. approximately prepared fondant
35Cm round board
1 quantity sugar syrup
green colouring
500g prepared almond icing
orange colouring
paper florist tape
Ivy leaves
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/2, CUP (75g) dark. chocolate
Melts, melted
3m naturalcoloured raffia

Halloween Pumpkin Patch Cake Recipe
1. Select and make the cake.

2. Level the top of the cake if necessary,

3. On surface dusted with sifted icing sugar, knead prepared fondant until smooth; wrap fondant tightly In plastic wrap.

4. Centre cake, upside down, on board. Brush cake all over with sugar syrup. Patch and cover cake with fondant.

5. On surface dusted with sifted king sugar, knead green colouring into golf-ball-slzed piece of prepared almond Icing: wrap tightly In plastic wrap. lint remaining almond icing with orange colouring, wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Roll varying-sized pieces of orange almond icing into balls; gently flatten top and bottom. With toothpick or skewer, gently press vertical lines into almond icing balls to make pumpkin shapes. Using green almond icing, mould tiny stalk shapes for each pumpkin. Brush tops of pumpkins with water, position stalks.

6. Cut tape ¡n half Lengthways. stretch and twist tape. Wind tape around toothpicks or skewers to make tendrils Using a skewer or toothpick push tendrils gently into pumpkins close to stalks. Place pumpkins on tray lined with baking paper, leave to dry.

7. Wash and dry Ivy leaves carefully. Lightly brush the tops of the leaves with oiL Brush chocolate evenly onto oiled side of leaves, leave about 10 minutes or until chocolate is set. Carefully peel leaves from chocolate.

8. Twist raffia into long rope, tie raffia around cake. Decorate cake with pumpkins, chocolate ivy leaves and fresh ivy leaves.

Tips:You could buy marzipan fruit or use daisies to decorate this cake. Cake can be completed t week ahead. This cake makes a delightful Halloween treat.

Step by Step:
1. Use toothpick to mark pumpkins
2. Stretch and twist paper florist tape
3. Wind twisted tape around Toothpick
4. Brush Melted chocolate into ivy leaves.

Holiday Recipes
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