Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries

Mini Blond Christmas Cakes

Mini Pumpkin Cakes

Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries

The Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries

(for 12 whoopie pie):
For the cookies: 150 gr. of butter at room temperature
90 gr. sugar cane
120 gr. maple syrup, organic
225 gr. 0 of flour, organic and stone ground
25 gr. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking
200 gr. Chocolate fondendente +1 drop of milk (for melting chocolate)

For the cream:
240 gr. cream cheese
6 tablespoons maple syrup, organic
6 tablespoons yogurt barley, organic
6 tablespoons powdered sugar
A handful of blueberries

Prepare cookies:
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with a little milk, as enough to make the chocolate smooth and creamy. Turn off and let cool.

In a bowl, mix the butter, sugar and maple syrup, whip cream until become one. Meanwhile. Add the melted chocolate and amalagamate.

In a separate bowl combine the flour, cocoa and baking powder.

Together these dry ingredients to liquid setacciandoli. mix thoroughly. Let rest the mixture in the fridge for half an hour.

Shoot the mixture and with a spoon formed into balls (you can handle the mixture with your hands) that you put on a baking sheet coated with non-stick paper.

Place them at a certain distance from one another because in cooking will tend to widen.

Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes or until cracks on the surface will be created.

Prepare the cream:
Put the cheese in a bowl and mix until it becomes a paste. Add maple syrup and yogurt and mix. Finally add the powdered sugar. By crushed blueberries (or chop) and cut out the juice. filtered any skin left. Add the cranberry juice cream. Donate a cream pink color and lighten the cake.

Finally, prepare the whoopie pie
Take two cookies the same size and, with the aid of the sac-a-few, put the cream in the middle of one of the cookies, flat side. Close with another cookie, pressing slightly so that the cream reaches the edges, without overflow.

Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries
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