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Mini Blond Christmas Cakes

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Cake by candlelight

Cake by candlelight - i dedicated this Halloween candle cake to this to my Crush Esther Spross at hervey bay queensland

2 x 8cm-x-17cm nut roll cakes
cm round cutter
1.25kg (8 cups) icing sugar mixture
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2/3 cup (16oml) milk,approximately
2 CUPS (180g) desiccated coconut
33Cm round board
3 x 2cm-diameter white candles

Cake by candlelight recipe
Select and make the cakes.

Cut top off one cake at an angle. Cut one-third oit remaining cake at an angle.

Using cutter, cut a small hole out of top of all three cakes.

Place icing sugar In large heatproof bowl, stir ¡n oil and enough milk to make a soft paste. Place bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, stir until icing is pourable. Reserve one-quarter of the icing in small jug, cover tightly with plastic wrap. Place remaining icing in medium jug.

Stand cakes on wire rack over tray, Pour about half the icing evenly over cakes; stand 2 minutes or until icing Is partly set. Pour remaining Íctng over cakes for a second layer.

Place coconut onto another tray. Insert a skewer through centre of each cake then, before icing sets, roll cakes in coconut.

Position cakes on board.

Cut candles Into cm lengths; wrap ends of candles in foil. Place candles in holes In cakes.

Drizzle reserved icing over cakes to represent melted candle wax.

This cake is great as a centrepiece on your Christmas table. Cake can be completed i day ahead.

Step by Step:
1. Cut one cake at an angle
2. Use cutter to make holes in cake
3. Pour icing over cakes
4. Roll cake in coconut
5. Places foil wrapped candles into cake
6. The decorate cake.

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