
Tamago-Zushi is known as a with egg pangueque sushi, best for restaurant, Chinese new year recipe.

For usuyaki-tamago (thin egg pancakes):
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons water
8 large eggs
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt

1 / 2 spinach
4 cups shari
sushi rice
2 units of kanikama (ersatz crab)
1 peeled zanahoa
100 g of peas and do shrimp for garnish
soy sauce, wasabi and gad to accompany

Prepare thin egg pancakes, Blanch the spinach in a pot cori putting boiling water for 10 seconds and 10
seconds in a bowl with cold water. Drain and cut into thin strips.

Chop the carrots into pieces small. Cook the peas and shrimp in boiling water for LIfl minute. Book. For the "fingers of rice with usuyaki-Tarnag: Use the pancake round or rectangular.

Cut pancakes rectangular strips do about 4 cm wide. Then do "dodos rice" and wrap strips panquoque crisis. For rolls with usuyak /-Tarnag: using rectangular pancake on the mat and extending the seaweed sheet.

Make the roll with crab and spinach substitute, To COfl usuyaki-Tarnag bags: Use the round pancake. Fill with chunky Arroio carrot.

Gather the edges up and tie with a strip of spinach. 

Garnish with shrimp and peas. To make tamago usuyaki-folded, using the pancake round or rectangular. Fill with rice with bits of carrot.

Fold all 4 sides of the pancake inward, forming a rectangle and tie with a strip of spinach previously bleached.

Series 2 units of each type per person and accompanied by soy sauce, wasabi and gari.

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