Ginger Gari

Ginger Gari is a traditional chinsese new year recipe, Gari is not meant to be consumed in any type of sushi or hand roll.

200) g ginger
2 teaspoons salt
2 cups white wine vinegar
1 cup sugar
red dye

1. Peel ginger and cut into very thin slices. Soak in water for 30 minutes to remove the bitter taste.

2. Drain and cook in a quart of boiling water for 15 minutes or until tender.

3. Drain and spread on a cloth or paper towels, and espokorearlo with salt. Let stand for about 15 minutes.

4. Mix the vinegar and sugar and add the ginger (cooked and rested with salt) to the mix. Add e ' dye as the color intensity to be obtained, while red is more coorante rrìás the gad.

5. Let marinate for at least 3 days before use.

6. Overall, the jet igibre found in the morgue is very dry country and so to prepare gad nc as an optimal result is achieved. 

7. Japanese ginger is recommended or buy cl giri ready in stores.

8.In preparing it takes 2 weeks to a month and need not be cooled, retains only a Tresco and in a covered container.

Occurs in two forms on the market:
Tubes of pasta prepared to serve ist.Powder, on which case should I mix with water, added in small amounts until a thick paste and moldable.

Ginger Gari
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