Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries

Mini Blond Christmas Cakes

Mini Pumpkin Cakes

Halloween Cupcakes

Halloween Cupcakes - the 3 nice cupcake halloween, best for occasional

Franken Cupcakes:
Frost 8 cupcakes with chocolate frosting from container. Add 25 drops green food color to warm white frosting in i bowl; mix well. Top each cupcake with 1 marshmallow. Spoon 1 tablespoon green frosting over each marshmallow to coat, allowing some frosting to drip onto cupcake top. Press 2 chocolate chips into frosting on each marshmallow for eyes. Use tube of black gel to add a mouth on each marshmallow. Cut fruit snack into pieces; place on top of frosted marshmallow for hair.

Boo Cupcakes:
Frost 8 cupcakes with chocolate frosting from container. Top each cupcake with i marshrnaliow. Rewarm white frosting in microwave 2 to 5 seconds, if necessary. Spoon 1 tablespoon warm frosting from second bowl over each marshmallow to coat, allowing some frosting to drip onto cupcake top. Press 2 chocolate chips into frosting on each marshmallow for eyes.

Witchy Poo Cupcakes:
Add 5 drops neon green food color to’reseived white  frosting mix well. Frost 8 cupcakes with green  frosting. Microwave reserved chocolate frosting
uncovered on High 15 seconds or until frosting  can be stirred smooth. Cut 4 marshmallows in half diagonally; shape each half into cone for top of witch’s
hat. Place toothpick in pointed end of cone. Dip each cone in warm chocolate frosting; cool slightly. Roll cones in black sugar to coat completely. Place 1 licorice wheel on 1 side of each cupcake top for base of witch’s hat; place i sugarcoated cone on each licorice wheel. Remove toothpicks. Cut each sour punch straw into thirds. Shape each gumdrop into “shoe” and attach each to one end of straw piece. Insert 2 straw “legs” in each cupcake on opposite side of hate

1 boxwhite cake mix with pudding In the mix Water, oil and egg whites called for on cake mlx package

Frosting and Decorations:
1 container (1 Ib) creamy white ready-to-spread frosting
1 container (1 Ib) chocolate creamy ready-to-spread frosting Neon green food color
20 large marshmallows
1/4 cupcoarseblack sparkling sugar
8 licorice wheels
6 sour punch straws (any red flavor)
16 smallblack gumdrops Green food color
32 miniature semisweet chocolate chips Black decorating gel
1 roll chewy fruit flavored snack

1. Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or nonstick pans). Place paper baking cup in each of 24 muffin cups. Make and bake cake as directed on box for cupcakes, using water, oil and egg whites. Cool completely.

2. Remove lid and foil cover from container of white frosting. In small bowl, reserve 1/3 of white frosting. Microwave remaining white frosting in container uncovered on High about 20 seconds or until frosting can be stirred smooth. Divide warm frosting between 2 small bowls. Reserve 1/3 cup chocolate frosting in small microwavable bowl; set aside. Decorate cupcakes as directed below.

Notes and Tips:
Look for neon food colors next to the standard food colors in the baking ingredients aisle of your supermarket. Peppermint candy sticks can be substituted for the sour punch straws.

Halloween Cupcakes Recipe
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