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Dinner Rolls

The Dinner Rolls Recipe You can shape the rolls however you like, although an assortment of different shapes looks very nice in a basket.

Rising and proofing time:
1 1⁄2–2 hrs

1 1⁄8 cups milk
4 tbsp unsalted butter, cubed, plus
extra for greasing
2 tbsp sugar
2 1⁄2 tsp dried yeast
2 large eggs, plus 1 yolk, for glazing
2 tsp salt
4 1⁄3 cups all-purpose flour,
plus extra for dusting
poppy seeds, for sprinkling (optional)

1 Bring the milk to a boil. Put 1⁄4 cup into a small bowl and let cool to lukewarm.

2 Add the butter and sugar to the remaining milk in the pan until melted. Cool to lukewarm.

3 Sprinkle the yeast over the 1⁄4 cup of milk. Leave for 5 minutes to dissolve. Stir once.

4 In a large bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Add the sweetened milk, salt, and dissolved yeast.

5 Gradually stir in the flour, until the dough forms a ball. It should be soft and slightly sticky.

6 Knead the dough on a floured work surface for 5–7 minutes, until very smooth and elastic.

7 Put in an oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap. Put in a warm place for 1–11⁄2 hours until doubled.

8 Grease two baking sheets. Put the dough on a floured work surface and knock it back.

9 Cut in half and roll each piece into a cylinder. Cut each cylinder into 8 equal pieces.

10 To shape round rolls, roll the dough in a circular motion so it forms a smooth ball.

11 For a baker’s knot, roll into a rope, shape into an 8, and tuck the ends through the holes.

12 For a snail, roll into a long rope and wind it around in a spiral, tucking the end underneath.

13 Put on baking sheets. Cover with a kitchen towel. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.

14 Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C). Beat the egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of water.

15 Brush the rolls with the glaze and sprinkle evenly with poppy seeds, if you like.

16 Bake for 15–18 minutes until golden brown. Serve warm. PREPARE AHEAD These rolls can be frozen at the shaping stage, brought back to room temperature, then glazed and baked.

Dinner Rolls Recipe
Holiday Recipes
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