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Chocolate Coconut Cream Cheesecake

Chocolate Coconut Cream Cheesecake Recipe is a Coconut Cheesecake Topped with Coconut Cream Custard, all on a Chocolate Macaroon Crust.

For Coconut chocolate base:
4 egg whites
100 g melted chocolate
150 grams powdered sugar
200 g coconut

For cheesecake:
900 g cream cheese
190 g sugar
1 vanilla bean (seeds)
4 eggs
100 g white chocolate
Bitter chocolate or other
scrape seeds out of a vanilla bean.

Coconut chocolate base:
Melt chocolate in microwave for about 1 minute, stirring well in it and set it aside for so long. Egg whites mixed in a mixer bowl. When it starts to foam, add sugar a little at a time.

Beat until you get a nice shiny meringue. Stir a little of it with a slikepot. Add the coconut. I use fresh coconut, it's a bit of a job but I like it best in my cakes. You can find step by step description how I do this here . Among the well.

Add the chocolate melting. Among the light together. Pour it in a round cake tin. I use a  24 cm great form and put it into a preheated oven at 160 C for 20 minutes.

When it is ready I let it get cold, and sprinkle a little more fers coconut over the bottom so that it covers the entire bottom.

Add the cream cheese in a natural bowl with vanilla seeds I mix it until it's fluffy and nice. Add sugar and mix on. Until it's cone and fluffy. Now is the time and add eggs,

Attention! What is supposedly important to the success of these cheesecakes is that you mix these eggs no more than about 10 seconds on the eggs.

Mixer more than this will split the cheese. I got a tip from the Pehrnilla strøssel & that there is very good with 100 g of melted white chocolate in this. So you are not fond of plain cream cheese taste, you can now add melted white chocolate, and mix it on for you add eggs. You will need 4 eggs that have been at room temp.

one egg at a time. And does so with the rest. Done to fill in form, but you can also add at this point, crushed biscuits oreo biscuits. Brownies smuller, or pieces of fudge or chocolate pieces with the way I do today I mix in 100 g of coarsely chopped chocolate bitter.

This cheesecake shells baked in a water bath, you can either put the foil around the tin so that no water in it. Or do what I do put a form in the lake and in the cake tin. In a preheated above at 150C for about 20-25 minutes. When it comes out of the above, it is soft, let it cool

I use 3 layers as a pack of coconut cream from the Jell-O Have not you can use vanilla cream from the dairy, and adding 50 coconut.

Blend well and wide over the cheesecake. Set the cake cool overnight. The next day, possibly spread over the cream. I cover the entire cake with whipped cream. Take approximately 50 g ram fresh coconut and a panen and grill it a bit. So it is a bit browner.

Take 50 g of dark chocolate warms the 30 sec in microwave and take a cheese slicer and river with the young sjokoladekruller

Rather than with Toast coconut. which gives a taste so go when you have toasted coconut Slightly smaller peaks cream if desired. Ready to be used. A delicious piece of Chocolate Coconut Cream Cheese Cake

Vanilla custard, toasted coconut on top gives a go taste combination. Hope you were tempted. This was it for now, hope to see you again imorn. Wish you all a splendid day further, and a weekend fantastsik concludes with a little saying,

Chocolate Coconut Cream Cheesecake Recipe
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