Chocolate whoopie pie with cream with blueberries

Mini Blond Christmas Cakes

Mini Pumpkin Cakes

Apple Florentiner cake

Apple Florentiner cake Recipe the rest of the vanilla cream is a dessert with fresh fruit be served. Nice and Elegant dessert of german.

A spring form (diameter 26 cm)

For Shortcrust:
100 g of room temperature butter
50 g granulated sugar
1 pinch salt
¼ teaspoon lemon zest
1 egg (size M)
150 g sifted flour
Sponge cake
1 sponge cake

For Filling:
200 g vanilla cream
700 g apples (such as russet)
10 g juice stop
50 g raisins
2 tablespoons apricot jam
Florentine mass
50 g of room temperature butter
50 g granulated sugar
1 tablespoon honey
70 g cream
65 g sliced almonds

Also Added:
Butter for greasing
Flour for editing

1. From the specified ingredients in the baking school in detail described Knead a smooth dough. Shape into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and at least 1 hours put cold.

2. The sponge cake as described in the recipe and prepare depending on the level of the bottom one-cut or twice. If there are three floors, a freeze like this.

3. Preheat the oven to 180 ° F. Top and bottom heat. The dish with butter. The vanilla cream like the recipe described cook off and 200 g of it. The apples, peel remove the core, and coarsely grate the Juice stop mix. Vanilla cream and raisins in the apple. give

4. One third of the dough on a lightly floured work surface with a rolling pin roll out thin. A 3 cm wide margins crop, roll up into a snail and cold place. The rest of the dough Roll out evenly on the greased springform pan bottom, protruding

5. Remove dough. Prick with a fork and with the Fold edge of springform pan. Bake in preheated oven on the grate bake on middle rack about 15 minutes.

6. In the meantime, the ingredients for the Florentine mass, except for the almonds, boil and cook something. The ground is ready, when a drop between your thumb and index finger pulling threads (thread) one. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the almonds and stress on the thin sponge cake.

7. Remove the springform pan and cool slightly. The Springform rim with butter, insert the Prick the sides and press lightly. The ground with jam, spread with the first sponge cake show and press lightly. The apple filling to spread, smooth, and the second sponge cake with ground cover of the Florentine.

8. The cake in a preheated oven on the grill over medium Bar another 35 minutes. Eventually after 25 minutes Baking paper cover, so the almond layer is not too dark is. Finally, leave on a rack are something remove from the tin and let cool completely.

Apple Florentiner cake
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