Mixed London Grill

Mixed London Grill is a great meal to serve a large party of carnivores. There is something within this mélange to satisfy any and every palate, and since the meats are sliced in strips 1 inch thick and 2 inches long, everyone can sample everything without overeating.

1 lamb or veal kidney, halved
2 teaspoons salt
1 whole bratwurst or other sausage
2 lamb chops
2 thin slices pork loin
2 pounds top sirloin, sliced
2 pounds veal cutlets, sliced
2 pounds calves’ livers, sliced
¼ teaspoon pepper
8 strips bacon
½ pound onions, sliced
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1. Wash the kidney halves and remove all the veins and fat.

2. Soak in water with ½ teaspoon of the salt for 1 hour and pat dry.

3. While the kidney is soaking, season the bratwurst, lamb chops, pork loin, beef, veal, and livers with pepper and the remaining 1½ teaspoons salt.

4. Grill the pork loin in a grill pan on top of the stove until cooked all the way through. Then grill the kidney, bratwurst, lamb, beef, veal, and liver until medium done. Set aside in a warming dish.

5. In a large skillet, fry the bacon until crispy, turning frequently. Remove the bacon and add to the dish with the grilled meats.

6. Return the skillet to the stove, and fry the onions in the oil.

7. Mix all the meats and the onions together and put over low heat for 5 minutes or until all are warm and cooked through.

8. Serve on a warm platter with a 1-inch-thick slice of grilled or toasted sourdough bread.

SERVES 6. Serving size: 1 spoonful of onions, 1 forkful of each meat, 1 slice of bacon, and ½ slice toasted bread. Be careful with portions, and be discreet. You can always go back.

Mixed London Grill Recipe
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