Marinated fish skewers

Marinated fish skewers I made with sea bream and it was awesome. I didnt have any parsley, but it was just divine. Super easy, low fat and delicious.

For 4 servings
6 tablespoons olive oil
100 ml lemon juice
1 chopped red onion
1 teaspoon paprika
2 bay leaves
8-10 chopped sage leaves
1, 2 swordfish kg
200 g ready to cook prawns
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons chopped parsley

1.Mix a 2 tbsp oil 50 ml lemon juice, onion and paprika. Bay leaves Shortlist and sage. Fish into 4 cm cubes, mix with the marinade and marinate covered for 3 hours.

2 prawns with 1 tbsp lemon juice and marinate 30 minutes.

3 fish, alternating with the prawns on the skewers with salt, and strong Heat grill around 5 minutes, brush it several times with the marinade. For the sauce, remaining oil with remaining lemon juice parsley and stir.

Preparation time: 20 minutes (plus marinating)
Per serving approximately 618 kJ kcal/2594
71 g protein, 32 g fat, 12 g KH

Marinated fish skewers
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