Lebanese pastry with minced meat

Lebanese pastry with minced meat is really tasty and simple you can also add any ingredients so beautiful nice and tasty.

For about 20 pieces
350 g flour
1 / 2 cube yeast
1 / 2 tsp sugar
2 small chopped onions
1 tablespoon butter
300 g beef mince
4 tablespoons pine nuts
1 pinch cinnamon
1 pinch ground
1 / 2 tsp paprika
1 egg yolk

1.A flour with 1 / 2 tsp salt mix, mix yeast with sugar and 200 ml of lukewarm water. Everything to knead dough, cover and let rise for 30 minutes.

2 Meanwhile, cook onion in fat until translucent. Fry mince until it is crumbly. 

3. Pine nuts and spices 4 minutes fry, add salt and pepper and cool . Let Preheat oven to 225 ° C.

4 dough on a floured surface, roll out thin, then 8 cm wide circles ausstechen.In the center of each circle with 1 teaspoon of filling and give some 

5. Sprinkle drops of water. Whisk egg yolk with 1 tablespoon water, brush Teigränder it.

6 Prick the sides at 3 points lift up and not quite up to the middle over the filling squeeze, so that a triangle is formed and remains in the middle of a small opening. 

7.Pasties on a greased baking sheet set, brush with remaining egg yolk and let rise for 15 minutes. In the oven for about 15 minutes.

Preparation time: 45 minutes (plus time to go
and baking)
Per piece about 109 kJ kcal/2069
5 g E, 4 g fat, 13 g KH

Lebanese pastry with minced meat
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