Chocolate Christmas Tree

Chocolate Christmas Tree Recipe By Norma Chikiamco. Fabulous and nice deloration for christmas, is decorative for christmas 

baking paper
2 packs (8 ounces each) semisweet
baking chocolate
1 cup all-purpose cream
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1/2 - 1 cup mini marshmallows
assorted cake decorations

Make the cone for the Christmas tree Cut the cartolina into a rectarle 20 x 10-inches in size. Draw a line n tre center. 

Attach the baking paper to the cartolina, making sure to cover all sides. Fold one side of the cartoliria into the center, using the line as guide.

Fold other end cover to make a cone. Trim base so cone will stand straight. Seal the tape to keep in place. Set aside.

With a knife, chop the semisweet baking chocolate into small pieœs. Race in a heaiproof bowl. Heat cream in a saucepan, stirring occasionally, until small bubbles begin
to appear. Remove cream from heat and pour it on the pieces of baking chocolate. Cover bowl for about 1 minute to allow chocolate to me. 

Stir cream and chocoLate together until smooth. Blend chocolate chips, nuts and marshmallows into the chucolate mixture. Stand the pointed end of the cone in side the tall glass (such as a pilsen glass or parfait glass), Spoon the chœolate mixture into the cone. 

Chill in refrigerator until chocolate hardens, about 4 hours. Carefully urwrap the chocolate tree from the cartolina and baking paper. Make the tree stand on a serving dish. 
Decorate with stars, chocolate dragees or with any desired confectionery, using melted chocoLate as glue

Chocolate Christmas Tree 
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