1-2-3 Überraschungstorte

1-2-3 Überraschungstorte is a great recipe that never fails, originate fron the german recipe. nice and pretty elegant recipe. Great luxury elegant Hotel Restaurant Recipe

Für 1 Springform von 26 cm 0
(12 Stuck)
Für den Rührteig:
250 g weiche Butter
250 g Zucker
4 Eier
250g Mehi
4 TL Backpulver
Für die Füllung:
500 g Sahne
2 Päckchen Sahnesteif
2 Päckchen Vanillezucker
6 EL Zitronensaft
Für die Dekoration:
75 g Zartbitterschokolade
150 g Sahne
1 Päckchen Sahnesteif
3 EL Mandelblättchen
3 EL Borkenschokolade
Backpapier für die Form

1 Preheat the oven. The Backforrn with Backpapicr bele Gen. butter and sugar until creamy. Stir in eggs Dic. Mehi and Back powder mix and stir well. Divide the dough into two portions, cine Portion with Much and cocoa Ver. Stir

2 The light and dark . Dough again into two Portion share. The portions nachei Nander fill in the tin, smooth the stress and oven at 1800 (Mute,Urnluft 160 °) every 20 minutes until. The soils ahgekuhlt easily from the Form, pull off the baking paper and land on a wire rack let cool.

3 For the filling with the cream . Sahnestejf and sugar until stiff schi agen, then the lemons Stir in juice. A bright soil with a quarter of the cream hestrei list, then 1m Wechsei darker, brighter, dark floor, the other floors and replace each with a quarter of the

4.Spread cream. The upper layer Smooth and spread with cream Plastic wrap cover. The cake completely packed in aluminum foil and 2 Days ini refrigerator can be drawn.

5.On the third day, the chocolate chop coarsely. Heat the cream and dissolve the chocolate in it. The chocolate cream 60 minutes cooling 1m cabinet can be cold, then with

6.Sahnesteif ski agen stiff. The cake rundurn contesting with the chocolate cream . Chen The cake with Mandelblattchen and garnish chocolate bark.

Em unusual prescription, but the preparation is worth not obstructed. The cake tastes thanks the rest very juicy.

For "real Uberraschungstorte heard more ais em toiles recipe: The decoration makes! Plug Some 20 cm long. very thin Pie or sparklers in the Cake - the center or a circle
edge of the pie - and Sic ignite it before serving.

1-2-3 Überraschungstorte
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