Chocolate Box with Molded Chocolates

Chocolate Box with Molded Chocolates Recipe is a Fabulous! Have fun making your own. Will keep for up to 8 weeks at room temperature. Chill if keeping longer.

Maraschino cherries, with stems  60 60

Marshmallow crème 2/3 cup - 150 ml
Hard margarine, softened 2 tbsp. 30 ml
Almond flavoring Icing (confectioner’s) sugar 1 1/2 cups 325 ml

Dark tempered chocolate, 1 lb 454g
Chocolate Box with Molded Chocolates Recipe
For Chocolate Molding:
Chocolate is actually very easy to shape and mold into creative and unique designs. Craft stores that carry chocolate-making supplies can have a wide variety of preshaped molds for candies. Or, using the basic directions below for making our chocolate box, create your own box, basket or container to hold your homemade chocolates or other treats.

Remember that d cooler room or at least a cool working surface will make working with chocolate much easier. Watch your fingers too—you will leave visible fingerprints if your hands are warm!

For Candy Molds:
Using re melted tempered chocolate, fill desired molds. When filled, gently tap mold on counter to smooth out chocolate and release any air bubbles. Place mold in refrigerator or freezer for two or three minutes, then flip out onto waxed paper. Have two molds of your favoriIe shapes to speed up the process.

For Chocolate Box:
Chocolate dipping wafers or pure dark tempered chocolate - 8 oz. 225 g

Tape down 17 x 18 inch (423 x 45 cm) waxed (or parchment) paper rectangle on flat surface. Melt chocolate. Spread evenly with long spreader to 1/ inch (3 mm) thickness. Chill.


1. Lay clean ruler on chocolate. Use sharp knife to cut straight edges to match the following dimensions: one 4 x 4 inch (10 x 10 cm) base, four 3 7/8 x 2 inch (97 x 5 cm) sides.

2. Lift base onto clean piece of waxed paper or parchment paper. “Glue” sides, 1 at a time, using remelted chocolate and paintbrush. Chill. A lid can be made using sdme method as above. Drizzle melted white chocolate over lid and sides for added decoration. Holiday Recipes
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