
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Smoked Trout Tartlets

The Smoked Trout Tartlets Recipe These tartlets are perfect for taking on a picnic lunch or as part of a buffet spread, and work equally well as a first course or for a light supper.

Chilling time:
30 mins

Special equipment:
food processor with blade attachment
6 x 4in (10cm) tartlet pans
baking beans

1 cup all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting
3 tbsp unsalted butter, chilled and diced
pinch of salt
1 small egg
For the filling
4oz (115ml) crème fraîche
1 tsp creamed horseradish
½ tsp lemon juice
finely grated zest of ½ lemon
1 tsp capers, rinsed and chopped
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
4 large egg yolks, beaten
7oz (200g) smoked trout
bunch of dill, chopped

1 To make the pastry, place the flour, butter, and salt in a food processor, and process until the mixture forms crumbs. Add the egg and mix until incorporated.

2 Roll out the dough on a well floured surface and line the tartlet pans. Line the tart crusts with parchment paper, fill with baking beans, and chill for 30 minutes.

3 Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Blind bake the pastry crusts for 10 minutes, then remove the beans and parchment and bake for another 5 minutes.

4 Mix the crème fraîche, horseradish, lemon juice and zest, and capers in a bowl, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in the egg yolks, fish, and herbs.

5 Divide the mixture among the tart crusts and return to the oven for 10–15 minutes, or until set. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from the pans and serving with a mixed leaf salad.

These are best eaten the day they are made, but can be chilled overnight.

The pastry shells can be prepared 2 days in advance and wrapped in plastic wrap until needed.

A good quiche or savory tart is a simple combination of short, buttery pastry, cream, and eggs, plus filling, of course. I always blind bake the crusts for these types of tarts before filling them, as this helps the pastry to remain crisp at the base even after contact with the creamy filling.

Smoked Trout Tartlets