
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

KUTSINTA (Moist Cakes)

The KUTSINTA (Moist Cakes) I eliminated the lye water solution (potassium carbonate) which is traditionally used in this recipe.

Moist Cakes
KUTSINTA (Moist Cakes)
1 cup water
1/2 cup annatto water 
1/3 CU sugar
6 tablespoons flour
6 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup grated fresh coconut for topping

In a bowl, mix water, annatto water, sugar, flour and cornstarch until smooth. Fill non-stick mini-muffin or mini-tart molds up to the top and steam for 10 minutes. 

Let cool totally, approximately 1 hour. Unmold when firm, using a metal spatula to lift cakes out of mold. Top kutsinta with grated fresh coconut just before serving.

Yield: 24 small cakes