
Monday, April 23, 2012

Chocolate Fondants

The Chocolate Fondants Recipe Usually thought of as a restaurant dessert, chocolate fondants are really surprisingly easy to prepare at home.

11 tbsp unsalted butter, cubed,
plus extra for greasing
1 heaping tbsp all-purpose flour,
plus extra for sprinkling
6oz (150g) good-quality dark chocolate,
minimum 60% cocoa solids
3 large eggs, at room temperature
1⁄3 cup sugar
cocoa powder or confectioner’s sugar, for dusting
ice cream, to serve

1 Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Thoroughly grease the ramekins with butter and sprinkle with a little flour, then turn it around in the dish until the butter is covered with a thin layer of flour. Tap out the excess.

2 Line the bases of the ramekins with small disks of parchment paper. In a heatproof bowl over simmering water, gently melt together the chocolate and butter, stirring
all the time. Make sure the base of the bowl does not touch the water. Cool slightly.

3 In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar. Once the chocolate mixture has cooled slightly, beat it into the eggs and sugar until thoroughly amalgamated. Sift the flour over the top and blend it in.

4 Divide the mixture between the molds or ramekins, making sure that the mixture does not come right up to the top. At this stage the fondants can be refrigerated for up to 12 hours, as long as they are brought back to room temperature before cooking.

5 Cook the fondants in the middle of the oven for 5–6 minutes if using molds, 12–15 minutes for ramekins. The sides should be firm, but the middles soft to the touch.
Run a sharp knife around the edge of the molds or ramekins.

6 Turn the fondants out on to individual serving plates by placing a plate on top and inverting the whole thing. Gently remove the mold or ramekin and peel off the parchment paper.

7 Dust with cocoa powder or confectioner’s sugar if desired and serve immediately with ice cream. The middle should be completely liquid. PREPARE AHEAD The uncooked mixture in the molds or ramekins can be refrigerated overnight.

Chocolate fondants are surprisingly simple to get right. They can be prepared up to a day in advance, which makes them a great dinner party dessert. Bring them back to room temperature before they go into the oven (and do the same after defrosting), or they may need to be cooked for slightly longer.

Chocolate Fondants
Chocolate Fondants