The SPICY BEEF AND AUBERGINE SOUP Recipe - Per portion Energy 303Kca1/1276kJ; Protein 37g; Carbohydrate 16.5g, of which sugars 14.5g; Fat 10.6g, of which saturates 4.2g; Cholesterol 90mg; Calcium 35mg; Fibre 2.4g; Sodium 300mg
4 dried New Mexico ch illies
15ml/ l tb sp vegetab le oi l
7 5m 1/5 tbsp kroeung
2-3 fresh or dried red Thai ch illi es
7 5m 1/5 tbsp tamari nd extract
15- 30mlll-2 tbsp tuk trey
30m l/2 tbsp palm sugar
12 Th ai aubergi nes (eggp lants), with stems removed and cut into bites ize chunks
1 bunch wat ercress or rocket
(arugula), trimmed and chopped
1 handful fresh curry leaves
sea sa lt and ground black pepper
For the stock:
lkg/2 1/4 1b beef shanks or brisket
2 large on ions, quartered
2-3 car rots, cut into chunks
90g/3 1!2 0z fresh root ginger, sliced
2 ci nnamon sticks
4 star ani se
5ml/1 tsp black peppe rco rns
30m l/2 tbsp soy sa uce
45-60m 1/3-4 tbsp tuk trey
1 To make the stock, put the beef shanks into a deep pan with al l the other stock ingred ients, apart from the soy sauce and tuk trey. Cover with 3 litresl5 pintsll2 cups water and bring it to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, cove red, for 2-3 hours.
2 Soak the New Mexico chi llies in water for 30 minutes. Split them ope n, remove the seeds and scrape out the pulp with a spoon .
3 Take the lid off the stock and stir in the rema ining two ingredients. Simmer, uncovered , for another hour, unt il the stock has reduced to about 2 litres/3 1/2 pints/73f4 cups. Skim off any fat, stra in the stock into a bowl and put aside. Lift the meat on to a plate , tear it into thin strips and put half of it aside for
the soup.
4 Heat the oil in a wok or heavy pan. Stir in the kroeung along with the pulp from the New Mexico ch ill ies and the whole Thai ch illies . Stir the spicy paste as it sizzles , until it begins to darken. Add the tamarind extract, tuk trey, sugar and the reserved stock. Stir well and bring to the boil .
5 Reduce the heat and add the reserved beef, aubergines and watercress or rocket. Continue cooking for a bout 20 min utes to a Ilow the flavours to mingle.
6 Meanwhile, dry-fry the curry leaves. Heat a small, heavy pan over a high heat, add the cu rry leaves and cook them until they begin to crack le. Transfer them to a plate and set aside.
7 Season the soup to taste. Stir in ha lf the curry leaves and lad le the soup into individua l bowls . Scatter the rema ining curry leaves over the top and serve .
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