
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Back schoolPuff pastry recipe on Schweineöhrchen

Back schoolPuff pastry recipe on Schweineöhrchen is Generally the recipe eaten as fresh as possible be, because then he nicely crisp and buttery taste. However, the Schweineöhrchen in a well-fitting socket, some Days after splitting.

2 baking sheets
Basic recipe puff pastry
365 g flour
250 g of room temperature butter
240 g water
25 g granulated sugar
5 g salt

Aldo Added:
Flour for editing
100g granulated sugar

1. Sift the flour. The butter into cubes and with 40 g of flour and knead well. The butter back into a quadratic form and get put 1 hour. The rest of the flour with water, sugar and salt to a Knead the dough and shape into a ball. In cling film Wrap well and place 1 hour.

2. The puff pastry crosswise and cut on a lightly floured surface, twice as large as the Roll out of butter. The butter as a package so. pack The pack on about 20 × 40 cm roll. Abpinseln excess flour. The right third of the Mid-turn and the left third beat it (one tour). 30 minutes lay cold.

3. Put the dough back to a lightly floured surface roll out, excess Abpinseln flour. From left turn a quarter, three quarters of the right turn and the whole still once as a book folded (double trip). 30 minutes lay cold. The two processes are repeated again are observed and the rest.

4. For the Schweineöhrchen of the prepared Weigh 400 g puff pastry dough and the remaining freeze. For the deployment of sugar instead Schweineöhrchen Flour used.

5. The pastry using a Rolling pin thin as possible (about 2 mm) rectangular Roll (20 × 40 cm). In this case the batter evenly roll in all directions. Then the sheet under Sprinkle sugar, invert and this site also. sugaring

6. The dough sheet from both sides of 5 cm strike (20 × 30 cm), repeat the process (20 × 20 cm), On dough (20 × 10 cm) strike, last one Teigseite flip to the other, as if to make a Book to pieces. The dough in plastic wrap wrap and 30 minutes in the refrigerator let them rest.

7. Preheat the oven to 190 ° C top and bottom heat.

8. Preheat The baking sheets with parchment paper show. The dough from the foil pouch and a sharp blade in 5 mm thick slices.
The dough pieces with the cut surface at a distance set of 10 cm onto the prepared baking sheets.

9. The first sheet on middle rack for about 8 minutes. bake Then the sheet from the oven, the pastry with a small range of contact and Bake on the second side for another 4 minutes. Repeat with the second sheet the process. Cool on wire rack to Schweineöhrchen. let