
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Apfelrahmkuchen Apple pie

Apfelrahmkuchen Apple pie Recipe it will take less time and ingredients to prepare than an apple pie, and it's just as delicious and comforting. German dessert

1 Spring form
(Ø 26 cm) or 1 cup fat
(double the ingredients for this)

100 g of room temperature butter
100 g icing sugar
1 pinch salt
1 egg (size M)
250 g sifted flour

25 g cornstarch
20 g granulated sugar
2 teaspoons bourbon vanilla sugar
1 pinch salt
250 g cream
1 egg (size M)
500 g apples (such as Jonagold)
Juice of 1 lemon
50 g raisins
25 g almonds

Butter for greasing
Flour for editing
60 g finely ground crackers or Butter cookie crumbs

1. From the specified ingredients in the baking school in detail described Knead a smooth dough. Divide the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and at least 1 hour cold.

2. Cornstarch, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt together dry mix. With the cream with a whisk until smooth Stir, stir in the egg and set aside.

3. Preheat the oven to 180 ° F. Top and bottom heat. The Dish with butter. Peel the apples, remove the cores and in thin slices. cut Drizzle with lemon juice so they do not brownbe.

4. One third of the dough on a lightly floured work surface Roll out thinly with a rolling pin. A 3 cm wide margins, cut roll into a snail and chill. The rest of the dough evenly on the greased-Spring form ground-Roll out dough to remove protruding. With a Prick with fork and fold the edge of springform pan. Bake in preheated Oven on the rack on the middle shelf bake about 15 minutes.

5. Remove the springform pan and cool slightly. The Springform rim with butter, insert the Prick the sides and press lightly. Sprinkle the bottom with crumbs. The apples single layer, sprinkle with raisins and the cast about evenly. distribute

6. The cake in a preheated oven on the grill over medium Track 1 hour bake, sprinkle the almonds over it and another 10-15 minutes. If the cake at the end of Baking time is too dark, cover with a sheet of baking paper. Finally, leave on a rack are something from which Release form and leave to cool completely.

Apfelrahmkuchen Apple pie